Brake lever too far away from handlebars? If this is the case then fear not. Brake levers are often equipped with a reach adjust mechanism. This brings the lever closer or further from the handlebars. Find out how to adjust brake lever reach in this article.
Common questions about how to adjust brake lever reach
Brake lever reach is the distance from the handlebars to the brake lever blades. Smaller hands need less reach and larger hands need a greater distance between the levers and handlebars so that it is comfortable for the rider to reach the brake lever with the first joints of the fingers.
There are no correct measurements. It is up to each rider to decide if they can press the lever comfortably.
Sometimes. The adjustment is on the lever and we will tell you how to find it. Some levers don’t have any reach adjustment.
Is reach adjustment necessary?
If your fingers can’t reach the lever properly then this may compromise the braking power. You need to be able to anchor the palm of your hand and your thumb onto the bars and reach the lever comfortably with the first joint of your fingers, or finger if you have a hydraulic flat bar lever. If your hand is too stretched and only the tips of your fingers reach the lever, you have to move the palm of your hand which stops it being a good anchor or find some sort of super strength in the tips of your fingers. If you run cable brakes, then loosening the cable can help as the rider can start with the lever pulled in and the first joints of the finger always pulling on the lever. This, however, means that the brake is already pulling some cable so there is less to brake with and if you let go of the lever to indicate, for example, and then immediately need to brake, your fingers won’t be in the correct position. Also always having to have your fingers pulling on the lever is tiring for the hand.
Conversely, if the reach is too close then the fingers will be working below the second joint on the fingers which is not as strong as the first joint because there is less leverage. Running the cables very tight can help, but it means that with a rim brake bike the wheels have to be perfectly true and the caliper central otherwise the pads will run on the rim and with disc brakes it is extremely difficult to have a perfectly straight rotor and both pistons set in the exact position to allow overtightening of the cable.
No reach adjustment on brake levers
You could consider new levers with reach adjustment. But do note, because reach is only part of setting up brake levers, you will need to make sure that your levers are positioned correctly for you. We have a video here to help with this. Once the position is comfortable, the reach might have sorted itself out.
Before adjusting the reach, make sure that your levers are positioned correctly for you. Our article here will help you with this task.
You can also watch our video tutorial on how to change the position of flat bar brake levers here:
Tools required to adjust brake lever reach
Set of allen keys. Have a few different sizes at hand, the adjusting screws come in different sizes. Also you may need to move your shifters to access the screw.

Crosshead screwdriver. Some adjusting screws use a crosshead screwdriver. Also you may need it to move handlebar hardware out of the way temporarily.

Checking the reach on flat bar levers
- Sit on your saddle. If necessary, lean against a wall or get a friend to hold your bike.

- Put your hands centrally on the grips in the position that you would ride.

- If you have twist shifters, then two fingers will sit on the rotating part.
- Now rest your fingers on the brake lever. The first joints should rest on the lever blade.

- If the parts of the finger below that joint are resting on the blade, then the lever blade is too close to the bars and the distance between them needs to be increased.

- If only the ends of the fingers rest on the blade then the lever blade is too far from the bars and the distance between them needs to be decreased.

How to adjust brake lever reach on flat bar cable operated levers
- First locate the reach adjusting screw. It is usually placed on the lever body, under the barrel adjuster.

- On STI levers (Shimano total integration) the screw is placed on the body either at the top or bottom near the blade.

- Fit the allen key or screwdriver in place. If you can’t access the bolt at a straight angle, then move anything that is in the way such as a bell, or gear shifter.

- To bring the lever closer to the bars, gently screw the bolt clockwise until the lever changes position slightly.

- Recheck the position of the fingers on the lever and if required repeat the process until you’re happy.

- To take the lever further from the bars, gently screw the bolt anti-clockwise until the lever changes position slightly.

- Recheck the position of the fingers on the lever and if required repeat the process until you’re happy.
- if you moved any handlebar hardware, now reposition them.
- If your other lever needs adjusting in the same way then repeat the process on the other side.
How to adjust brake lever reach on flat bar hydraulic brake levers
- On hydraulic disc brake levers, the reach adjustment screw is under the lever blade.

- Some brake levers have a knurled knob on top of the lever instead of a screw.

- To bring the lever closer to the bars, gently turn the screw or knob anti- clockwise until the lever changes position slightly.

- Recheck the position of the fingers on the lever and if required repeat the process until you’re happy.
- To take the lever further from the bars, gently turn the screw or knob clockwise until the lever changes position slightly.

- Recheck the position of the fingers on the lever and if required repeat the process until you’re happy.
- If your other lever needs adjusting in the same way then repeat the process on the other side.
Checking the reach on drop bar levers
- Sit on your saddle. If necessary, lean against a wall or get a friend to hold your bike.

- Put your hands where you would ride in an aerodynamic position.

- Now rest your fingers on the brake lever. The first joints should rest on the lever blade.

- If the parts of the finger below that joint are resting on the blade, then the lever blade is too close to the bars and the distance between them needs to be increased.

- If only the ends of the fingers rest on the blade then the lever blade is too far from the bars and the distance between them needs to be decreased.

How to adjust brake lever reach on drop bar cable operated levers
- First locate the reach adjusting screw. It is usually placed on the top of the lever body under the hood.
- Fit the allen key or screwdriver in place.
- To bring the lever closer to the bars, gently screw the bolt clockwise until the lever changes position slightly.

- Recheck the position of the fingers on the lever and if required repeat the process until you’re happy.
- To take the lever further from the bars, gently screw the bolt anti-clockwise until the lever changes position slightly.

- Recheck the position of the fingers on the lever and if required repeat the process until you’re happy.
- If your other lever needs adjusting in the same way then repeat the process on the other side.
How to adjust brake lever reach on drop bar hydraulic levers
- First locate the reach adjusting screw. It is usually placed internally on the outside of the lever body under the hood.

- To bring the lever closer to the bars, turn the allen key half a turn anti- clockwise.

- To take the lever further from the bars, turn the allen key half a turn clockwise.

- If your other lever needs adjusting in the same way then repeat the process on the other side.
Watch our video tutorial on how to adjust brake lever reach here:
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